Legend of Terms

Explained below are some of the terms and acronyms that you may see posted along with the WOD.


Example WOD:

100/80/60 Pushups

100/80/60 Squats

*The dashes (/) separate the progressions of physical conditioning levels as follows Advanced/Intermediate/Beginner.  Depending on where you feel you are, just choose one section and stick with that number unless you feel the WOD is too easy, or too difficult.  Don’t do 100 Pushups and Squats followed by 80, followed by the last set of 60, unless you want to put yourself through a killer workout.  I won’t stop you!

AMRAP – As Many Rounds As Possible.

Tabata – 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest.  Cycled 8x for 4 minutes total.  For example, if you were doing Tabata squats, you would squat as many times as possible in 20 seconds, then rest 10 seconds and then repeat the cycle once the 10 second rest period is up.

Failure – Pretty self explanatory, you do as many repetitions or hold a position until you can’t do another rep or the position collapses.

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